Tranquil times in the tub

Tranquil times in the tub | Kirami


Mirja Sokura and her family have two Kirami tubs. One of the tubs sits in their garden at home and the other at their summer cottage on an island in Lake Saimaa. Having two tubs means that they can bathe all year round.

The Kirami tub was an easy choice for the Sokura family.

“My first ever experience of bathing in a hot tub was in a Kirami tub, and I never really considered other manufacturers after that. The fact that Kirami is Finnish and makes quality hot tubs is important to me,” says Mirja Sokura.

The hot tubs have been an integral part of the Sokuras’ lifestyle for eight years now.

“Some people think that this hot tub craze is a fad, but we sure have enjoyed our tubs for all these years. So much so that we bought two tubs,” Sokura says with a smile.


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@luonnonkulkija | Mirja Sokura and her family have two Kirami tubs | Kirami


Enjoying the hot tub at home and at the cottage

The first tub was purchased for the garden at home.

“We cut down a large crack willow tree in our garden in 2011, and I thought it would make an ideal location for a tub. My husband wanted to cut the tree down, so I said that we should get a tub in its place if we cut it down. This compromise resulted in our first hot tub.”

The wooden hot tub bought for the garden at home was transported to the summer cottage after four years of active use, and a new tub with a plastic inner tub was bought for the home garden.

“We wanted to enjoy our hot tub at the summer cottage as well, and decided to replace our home tub with a plastic lined tub, because it is easier to clean.”

The wooden tub was transported to the cottage on the island in Lake Saimaa by dragging it behind a boat.

“We were so excited about the whole project that we forgot to bring the chimney for the heater. We had decided, however, that we would heat the tub that night, so we fashioned a makeshift chimney out of pillar blocks on top of the heater. All is fair,” Sokura laughs.


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@luonnonkulkija | Enjoying the hot tub at home and at the cottage | Kirami


“The hot tub is the only place in the world where we are not glued to our smartphones”

The Sokuras have been satisfied with both tubs. However, bathing at home and at the summer cottage feel different.

“Even though we live in a peaceful rural area, bathing at the cottage on an island is just that little bit more enjoyable. You can take a dip in the lake and then jump back into the tub. We tend to sit in the tub for longer periods at a time at the cottage, doing birdwatching and admiring nature in general.”

“We have had some excellent discussion in the tub and shared life’s joys and sorrows. It feels like the hot tub is the only place in the world where we are not glued to our smartphones.”

The Sokuras have developed a routine around bathing in the hot tub over the past eight years.

“Weekends at the cottage always start the same way: my husband carries the water pump to the jetty and starts filling the tub, and I make coffee.”


@luonnonkulkija | “The hot tub is the only place in the world where we are not glued to our smartphones” | Kirami
@luonnonkulkija | “The hot tub is the only place in the world where we are not glued to our smartphones” | Kirami


The nature photographer sees beauty in her surroundings

Mirja Sokura’s Instagram account (@luonnonkulkija) is filled with the most atmospheric images of nature.

“I have been taking photographs for years, but I did feel apprehensive about posting my images online publicly. I got the idea for the Instagram account when I came up with the idea for the Luonnonkulkijan päiväkirja book (nature walker’s journal) which was published and sold in 2017. I donated all of the proceeds to the protection of the Saimaa ringed seal.”

Sokura sees beauty in her garden and at the cottage. She has also taken some beautiful shots of the tub.

“I take nature close-ups, and I am lucky to have the opportunity to shoot both sunsets and sunrises from the comfort of my own cottage. You do not always have to travel far, there is plenty of beauty right here in Finland.”

“Walking around in nature with my camera is a big part of my free time now. I also photograph food and architecture for my own enjoyment. Sometimes I like to focus on animals,” Sokura says. 


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@luonnonkulkija | The nature photographer sees beauty in her surroundings | Kirami



See some of the images here

If you cannot find a new place for your hot tub yourself, read more about how to recycle your used hot tub here

How to pick a hot tub? See more tips in our blog