Company housekeeper

Company housekeeper | Kirami's staff presentation


A company housekeeper who is active in all fields and takes pleasure in her work


Company housekeeper | Kirami's staff presentationPirjo Ojala ended up working at Kirami via Mika, who knew that Pirjo was already retired, but that she was also a lively and hard-working employee with much to give. Pirjo grabbed the chance immediately.

Pirjo has a wide job description. She works efficiently wherever there is a need. Here main duties include keeping the personnel happy, organising the coffee service when the company has visitors, ensuring that the workplace stays neat and clean, and doing some yard work. Pirjo works at Kirami nearly every weekday. Usually, she starts her day by making coffee and wiping the tables. In the morning, Pirjo makes sure that most of the rubbish has been cleared away. During the day, she works hard cleaning where needed. Early every Thursday morning, Pirjo arrives at the workplace before the office staff so that she can clean the office areas.

Company housekeeper | Kirami's staff presentationWhen asked about the things she likes in her work, Pirjo already has an answer ready. The colleagues! She is amazed how one workplace has managed to collect so many nice young men. She praises being able to join the team easily, and that her colleagues treat her as an equal part of the team. She likes that her colleagues do not beat around the bush, but instead talk straight about things. In addition to her colleagues, Pirjo appreciates that there are no two days alike at work; every day is a different story.

Pirjo is very active even outside work. She goes jogging, does crossword puzzles and reads. Bicycling and picking berries are among other hobbies she loves. Berry-picking is also a social event: there is always someone who wants to come along with her into the woods. Pirjo is the first one to volunteer for any job necessary. She is involved in the women’s section of the Keikyä volunteer fire brigade: once per month she makes coffee for the firefighters, and feeds them in crisis situations. In addition to working at Kirami, she also does snow removal in the winter.