The traditional Finnish sauna

The sauna is an essential part of Finnish culture and way of life. It is not only a place to relax and wash, but also a social event and a tradition that brings people of all ages and backgrounds together. Could the sauna be one of the reasons why Finland is voted the happiest country in the world year after year?
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Kirami on a trip to the USA to promote sauna

Kirami presented its products at the Wellbeing from Finland event in Los Angeles. Read more about how we prepared for the trip to the USA and what we learned!
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New Innovation to Create the Ultimate Outdoor Relaxation Oasis

The integration of technology, design, and comfort has given rise to incredible outdoor spaces that offer an unparalleled level of luxury and relaxation. Discover the Kirami FinVision® Annex complex, which combines the best aspects of Finnish craftsmanship with modern conveniences.
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Customer's story

Janne Käpylehto's ice carousel world record 2023 is again in the sights!

Janne Käpylehto has already built around 80 ice carousels. He has held the world record several times. On January 28, 2023, a new record will be attempted in Finland, Lappajärvi with a half-kilometer-wide ice carousel. Kirami will again participate in the event with its products, this time the Kirami FinVision® -sauna Nordic misty and Breezy are on full display.
Customer's story
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Sauna - a part of Finnish culture

The sauna is an integral part of Finnish culture. Find out how sauna habits have evolved and why taking a sauna together is a source of hope in times of crisis.
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Kirami FinVision® -sauna