A ten-year-old hot tub was replaced

A ten-year-old hot tub was replaced
The Seppänen-Vainio family has owned a Kirami hot tub since 2007. The tub has been used at different parts of the yard, and a large number of friends and relatives has bathed in it over the years. The original wooden tub will now give way to a new tub. However, the old one will not be out of use, either. We asked Virpi Seppänen to tell us more.
"The old tub was purchased in 2007 on my 50th birthday. I had written on the invites that any money gifts – given either out of pity or appreciation – could be directed to the hot tub account. I sent all guests a thank-you message with a picture of me sitting in the tub at night, with a glass of sparkling wine in my hand.
Our old tub was made of spruce, its water capacity was 1,500 litres, and the heater was inside the tub. We put the tub in front of our old outdoor sauna. At first, we also heated up the sauna when bathing, but soon we noticed that was unnecessary. We decided to move the tub next to the terrace of the new house, which made it easier to watch the children.
In the beginning, we filled up the tub with seawater or water from a pond. Seawater worked particularly well. However, the sea was a bit too far, almost a kilometre away. When we moved to the new house we started taking the water from our drilled well, but always in two batches to make sure we didn't dry out the well. In the summer, we use the bathwater to water our fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetable garden. The berries and apples we have gathered have been very juicy and tasty, and the vegetables aren't bad either.

Suitable water temperature for both children and adults
We have invited family, friends and neighbours to bathe in our tub. However, it's our grandchildren and their friends who enjoy bathing the most. The children think the tub heats up a bit too slowly, especially in the summer, so we often say that cool water is 'warm enough for children,' and they can climb to the tub first. After that there is no limit to the joy as children are splashing around in the water. My nearly 90-year-old father-in-law also enjoyed bathing.
The old tub will face new challenges
The old tub has served our family well for over a decade. However, cleaning it has been a bit difficult due to the location of the heater and sometimes lighting the inside heater has also been difficult during low pressure. The wooden tub was quick to crack when it dried, but we quickly learned to steep it with wet cloths like the salesperson advised us. Last autumn, the tub started to leak, and we decided it was time to buy a new one.
Our son-in-law picked up the old tub, and since he's so handy, he's planning to repair and renovate it for his family. I believe he'll succeed.

The new, LED-lit tub is easy to care for
Luckily, it took us a while to purchase a new tub, since Kirami launched their LED lights only this year, and now we use it to light our new tub. Our new tub is black on the outside and turquoise on the inside. The heater is on the outside, and the water capacity is the same as in our previous tub. In midsummer, we put the new tub on the old one's place, as the view is best there. Our friends helped us install the tub, and we are very grateful for that. Maintaining and heating the new tub is very easy, so we heat it up often.

A hot tub is good for the body, mind and world

My knees are sore, and I can only get on my knees in the tub, so I use it as a therapy pool, so to speak. It's easy to do stretches and exercises in the tub. Since I also have asthma, I use the hot tub to inhale steam. But the best part of bathing is the relaxation. When life is stressful and hectic, you can reset your mind in the tub. We use the tub all year, even though we find autumn and winter to be the best seasons for bathing. My personal record is five hours of bathing: I sat in the tub with my sister and discussed how to make the world a better place – and I think we succeeded. In the tub, you forget your troubles, your mind feels lighter, and you will sleep well in the night."
Warm regards,
Virpi Seppänen
See more pictures of the tubs owned by the Seppänen-Vainio family