How to heat up your hot tub quickly and easily

If you want to make heating up your hot tub both quick and easy, simply follow the few simple tips below.
We recommend using small and dry wood to light your hot tub’s heater. Start by filling the heater’s fire chamber halfway. Place kindling on top of the firewood so that the fire will spread downwards, resulting in a cleaner and more efficient burn. This will also reduce the amount of harmful small particles released by the fire.
For easy lighting, we recommend using fire starters, such as Burner paraffin packets. If you’re using lighter fluid, be sure to follow the fluid’s instructions. Never light a fire using fluids that are not intended for this purpose.
Once you’ve gotten a fire going, add larger logs into the heater every 10–15 minutes as necessary. Adjust the air intake of the heater based on the type and size of firewood. This will reduce the amount of smoke produced by the heater.
Heating the heater and the water

In order to heat your hot tub at maximum efficiency, be sure to maintain a decent-sized fire in the heater for the entire duration of the heating. During heating, the tub itself should be covered in order to limit heat evaporation.
Measure the water temperature approximately every 20 minutes during heating, and be sure to mix the water before doing so. Once the water temperature reaches 32 degrees Celsius, start reducing the number of logs added at a time to prevent overheating. If you wish to maintain a consistent temperature, you can keep a small fire going in the heater.
It is advisable to open the cover about 5 minutes before getting in the bath to allow the water to settle. For reasons of safety and heat evaporation, the cover should be closed as soon as possible after taking a bath, especially if you intend to use the tub the next day.

Empty the heater of ashes after every use to prevent the grates or air slides from getting covered in ash, as this will considerably shorten their operating life.
Be sure to also check our hot tub cleaning tips!
Best regards,
Kalle Pakkala
Sales Manager