Hot tubs and saunas for customers east of Berlin
ReGo - landscaping and Kirami hot tubs for Berlin and Brandenburg
ReGo GmbH has its headquarters in Rüdersdorf, about 30 km east of Berlin. The company was founded in 2013.
– We started out as a garden landscaping company with six employees. Since 2016, we are also a certified road construction company. We've successfully established ourselves in the market and expanded our business, so today we employ 20 people, says managing director Fabian Reck.
Introducing hot tubs in the area
ReGo has been a Kirami retailer since 2018, selling Kirami products in the Brandenburg area.
– We were inspired and impressed by the Kirami hot tubs, and happy to include them in our selection. The hot tubs are now also part of our product exhibition.
The whole concept of hot tubs is still quite new in Brandenburg, so ReGo arranged a Bathing in Pflasterland event to introduce them. Pflasterland is ReGo's private label.
– The customers were very curious about them and showed keen interest in them. The hot tubs have started to spread and gain popularity, and we are of course very happy about that. We want to further increase their popularity and firmly establish a market for hot tubs.
In addition to hot tubs, ReGo also sells Kirami FinVision saunas.
– We wanted to present our customers with the sauna, so we arranged a special event for it in May 2019. FinVision sauna is part of our product exhibition and available for customers through us.
From gardens to road construction
Besides the Kirami products, ReGo offers a wide range of gardening and landscaping products and services, with a focus on pavement works, as well as individual consultations.
– We are a solution, quality, and customer-oriented company, and very flexible in our services and operations, Corinna Reck-Golmert affirms.
Under their own private label Pflasterland, the company sells slabs, paving stones, natural rocks, clinker, aggregates, wall constructions and fences. The large exhibition area of 2 000 m2 gives the customers suggestions and ideas for terrace and path designs.
– We also specialize in water diversion, drainage and waterproofing. We can calculate waste-water values, water quantities and discharge coefficients for our customer.
For the road construction business, ReGo has their own heavy construction machinery, including four wheel loaders, two trucks and six excavators in different tonnage classes.
Active limestone mining region
Rüdersdorf, where ReGo operates, is a municipality in the Märkisch-Oderland district in Brandenburg. The area is famous for its limestone that has been mined there for over 750 years. Open-pit mining is still going on today, and the local cement plant exports cement throughout Europe.
Rüdersdorf is also known for its museum centre Museumspark where you can take a walk or a jeep tour along the active mining area and see interesting historical buildings. Visitors can also enjoy a colourful program of events and festivals.
Ernst-Thälmann-Str. 23/24
D-15562 Rüdersdorf
Puh. +49 33638 / 1290-75
Faksi +49 33638 / 1296-34
Matkapuhelin +49 163 3457 884