Place the tub on an even and durable surface

Place your tub on a durable and even foundation | Kirami


Place your tub on a durable and even foundation


A proper foundation ensures the safe and effortless use of the hot tub. You can embed the tub into your terrace or you can cast a foundation out of concrete. An even and durable gravel base is also sufficient. 

The most durable foundation for the tub can be achieved by casting a suitable platform for the tub out of concrete. Please note that the tub will weigh considerably more when it is filled with water. 

“You should place the tub on an even foundation that covers the entire base of the tub. An even and level gravel base is sufficient if it is stationary and can withstand the full weight of the tub along with the people in it,” says Kari Suutarinen from Kirami’s sales and technical support.  

You should not place the tub directly onto the lawn.

“Lawns are not usually level enough to ensure that the tub remains level.” The foundation must be level to ensure that the tub is emptied properly and all of the air is removed from the heater. Grass growing against the wood panelling may also affect the condition of the wood. 

“You should install drains under the wooden tub to enable airflow and to ensure that the tub dries out properly. If you have a plastic tub, you should make sure that the foundation covers the entire base of the tub.”  


An even and durable gravel base is also sufficient | Kirami
An even and durable gravel base is also sufficient | Kirami


The tub can be embedded into the terrace

In some gardens, the tub is best suited for the terrace. The same guidelines apply to embedding tubs into the terrace: the surface should be level and sufficiently robust. 

“When planning the placement of the tub, you should pay attention to the location of the heater – installing the tub at the edge of the terrace will leave ample room to operate the heater. If you want to place the tub closer to the centre of the terrace, you can acquire an extension pipe set between the heater and the tub to enable the placement of the heater one metre removed from the tub,” Suutarinen says.

“In both cases, you should consider the structure under the heater, to ensure that the heater sits level. The bottom of the heater should be placed approximately 1.5 cm above the bottom of the tub. You should remember that the outlet valve must be placed opposite from the heater when embedding the tub. You should prepare a maintenance hatch of some kind to ensure access to the valve and easy emptying. Another option is to acquire an outlet valve kit between the heater and the tub, which enables for the moving of the valve behind the heater.”  


The tub can be embedded into the terrace | Kirami
The tub can be embedded into the terrace | Kirami


Safety above all else

If the heater is located close to a building or integrated into the terrace, you should check that the chimney is sufficiently removed from all flammable structures.

“You should remember to check the distance both in the vertical and horizontal direction to ensure that there is no danger of ignition. The horizontal minimum distance to flammable materials is three metres from the top of the chimney,” Suutarinen says.

“When installing heaters with normal fire chambers, you should also pay attention to fire safety in front of the fire chamber, meaning that there must be no flammable materials at the foot of the fire chamber. The front of the fire chamber must consist of fire-resistant materials such as concrete, sand or a metal plate.”

In addition to fire safety, you should also consider other safety issues related to tubs. When the tub is embedded into the terrace, the edge of the tub should be raised approximately 20 cm above the edge of the terrace to prevent anyone from slipping and falling into the tub.

“You should always cover the tub. This is especially important in hot tubs embedded into terraces,” Suutarinen says.

Read more about placing your tub in the garden

Customer Photo: Sandvalleygolfresort | Safety above all else | Kirami hot tub
Customer Photo: Sandvalleygolfresort | Safety above all else | Kirami


See video about iInstallation of a Kirami hot tub


Watch a video about the installation of Kiramis hot tub