Well-being for the autumn from a hot tub

Sauna and the tub are sources of well-being that create a special atmosphere in the autumn
The autumn and the darkening nights are here again. When it is stormy in the world outside, your own home may become more important than ever, but you still do not have to stay indoors even in the autumn. Fresh air and going out into nature revitalise the mind, and you can spend time grilling food together with the people close to you. After a day outdoors, you can relax and calm down by bathing in the tub and going to the sauna to wash off the stress of the day.
This autumn, your home country is the best holiday destination. In the Nordic countries, the four different seasons keep the scenery interesting throughout the year. Now is a great time to explore the destinations in your home country that you have never seen before.
Autumn is a wonderful time to venture into nature. According to studies, nature and the changing scenery have a therapeutic effect on people, and their stress levels decrease in the midst of nature. Fresh air feels good in your lungs, and you often feel calm and relaxed after a day spent outdoors. In the autumn, there may also be plenty to do in the yard at home, so you can spend the day pleasantly doing yard work.

while sauna bathing in the gentle heat
In Finland, sauna bathing is an inseparable part of practically everything. The heat of the sauna is the best way to pamper yourself after a day spent in the brisk autumn air doing yard work, sports or walking amidst nature. The large picture window in Kirami’s FinVision -sauna ensures that you can continue admiring the scenery while sauna bathing in the gentle heat. In the FinVision -
sauna, you can feel yourself connected to nature, regardless of whether you see forests, fields or the sea.

fields or the sea.
Spending an evening in the sauna with the people close to you also helps you feel good. In the sauna bath, you can follow the traditional Finnish custom and enjoy the silence, or you can have big, even cross-generational discussions in the safety of twilight. In a Finnish sauna, the atmosphere can often be still or even meditative; there is rarely any music playing or flashing lights. Every now and then, the bathers whisk themselves gently with a birch whisk and toss plenty of water on the stones. A good temperature for a sauna bath is approximately 80 degrees Celsius, although serious bathers can enjoy even higher heat.

flashing lights.
Relax in an atmospheric hot tub
For many, bathing is a bit of a ritual, which alone makes bathing in a hot tub relaxing. You carry the firewood, light the fire in the heater and heat up the hot tub while enjoying the peace and quiet. Simply lighting a fire and watching the flames calms down the mind. You can let your thoughts rest after work; there is no hurry.
Enjoying the darkening nights and the atmosphere they create is a part of autumn. In the autumn, it is wonderful to plunge into the hot tub, watch the darkening evening twilight and let the warm water pamper your joints and muscles. Warm water is good for stiff muscles caused by a day of work at the office or doing yard work or sports.

In the evening, you can light candles, or why not the tub’s own lights to create an atmosphere. In the hot tub, you can enjoy the sounds of nature and admire the autumn foliage, the moon and the starry sky. In the north, stunning northern lights can light up the whole sky. If you can also spend quality time with a small group of family members or close friends, what could be better?

Even a bit of autumn rain will not be a problem in the tub. In the late autumn, the temperature falls close to zero degrees Celsius in the evenings, which makes bathing in the steaming hot water of the tub even more enjoyable. To keep your ears warm, you can put a bathing hat on. The hat also protects you from mosquitoes in the autumn.
You can grill food together in the autumn, too

After going to the sauna and bathing in the tub, it is time to eat. Kirami’s Roasty Boss BBQ grill, Roasty Boss pot and Ironmonster are the trusted fireplaces of real outdoor people. Open fire brings light and warmth to the cooling autumn evenings, and you can gather your close friends or family to enjoy time together on your own yard. You can cook the season’s vegetables, mushrooms, smoked fish, game or even pancakes for dessert on the BBQ grill.

With the right attitude, your own yard at home can be a paradise and a haven of peace. Even in the autumn, you can spend the whole day outside: first, out in nature or working in the yard, later warming up in the hot tub and sauna, and finally grilling delicious food. There is no need to stay cooped up inside even in the autumn – you can enjoy life in so many different ways even without leaving your own yard at home.

the sounds of nature and
admire the autumn foliage,
the moon and the starry sky.
Take care of yourself, your own well-being and the people close to you, and step outside in the autumn to enjoy the fresh air outdoors.
You can find inspiration for hot tubbing in the autumn on Kirami’s Instagram as well as behind the hashtags used by our customers:
#kirami, #warmerfeelings, #outstandingbykirami, #triholdy.
You can purchase a hot tub for your own yard easily here
Read about how well the FinVision sauna and a hot tub work together on the yard of one of our customers
With two hot tubs, you get the same chance to bathe both at home and at the cottage